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​"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination..." Albert Einstein

We Provide...
Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Mood Disorders
Psychotherapy for Social Skills and Social Thinking
Executive Function Coaching and Training in Metacognitive Skills
Behavior Management Training for Parents
Anxiety and Mood Disorders
Individuals grappling with anxiety or mood disorders often find it challenging to pinpoint and articulate their specific concerns. They may struggle to recognize the root of their inner turmoil, and solutions often elude them. This persistent and unexplained distress can lead to additional challenges, affecting not only the individual but also those who care for them. Symptoms of mood and anxiety disorders can manifest as physical ailments, exhaustion, interpersonal difficulties, and issues in academic or professional settings.
Consider seeking a consultation with a professional if you notice the following warning signs:
  • Persistent negative or critical self-talk, such as "I'm so stupid," "I can't do anything right," or "no one likes me."
  • Behavioral disruptions, like tantrums or running away.
  • Overwhelming worry or fear.
  • Persistent feelings of unease or tension.
  • Difficulty initiating or completing tasks.
  • Physical complaints like stomach issues, headaches, or body aches.
  • An incessant sense of restlessness, jitteriness, or continuous movement.
  • Overbearing perfectionism.
  • Overthinking and excessive planning, hindering spontaneity.
  • A diminished interest in activities or an inability to experience pleasure.

Social Skills and Social Thinking
Social skills equip us to navigate a range of interpersonal encounters, from conversations and friendships to romantic relationships, meetings, and playdates. They shape both others' perceptions of us and our feelings towards ourselves. A deficiency in social skills can introduce stress into our lives, making it challenging to thrive in our inherently social world. If we consider social skills as behavior, then social thinking is the mental processing that precedes and follows our actions. Robust social thinking enables us to comprehend the motivations behind people's behaviors. Our actions (social skills) are significantly shaped by our comprehension (social thinking) of social contexts and interactions.

​Executive Function Coaching and Training in Metacognitive Skills

"Executive functions" refer to a set of complex cognitive skills often linked to the prefrontal cortex of the brain. These cognitive abilities encompass:


  • Task initiation.

  • Impulse control and inhibition.

  • Organizational and planning skills.

  • Tolerance of frustration.

  • Flexible thinking.

  • Sequencing and ordering.

  • Self- and task-monitoring.

  • Manipulating information mentally.

  • Synthesizing or integrating information.


Individuals—be they children, adolescents, or adults—who face challenges in specific areas of executive functioning might struggle with initiating and completing tasks like homework, essays, or projects. They might find it tough to prioritize assignments and responsibilities, organize their daily lives, or break tasks into smaller, more digestible segments. Such individuals may frequently interrupt conversations, seem to approach tasks with minimal care or effort, and may be viewed by peers as forgetful, negligent, or disorganized.

Behavior Management

At PYAPS, we provide training for parents, caregivers, and educators on managing challenging behaviors and fostering positive, healthy ones. Caregivers often seek behavior management training when children and adolescents display one or more of the following tendencies:


  • Engaging in frequent arguments with adults or peers.

  • Resisting requests or directives from caregivers.

  • Exhibiting verbal or physical aggression.

  • Engaging in deceitful behaviors, such as stealing or lying.

  • Throwing tantrums when confronted with boundaries or rules.

  • Habitually interrupting or distracting others.



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